Download an older driver and after this uninstall your current one.It was removed after uninstalling, after this run the Uninstall_BattlEye.bat or Geek Uninstaller for making sure to remove all parts and hidden files of BattlEye easily in a few seconds. Now you should backup the Install_BattlEye.bat anywhere out of the folder.First locate BattlEye in your Game folder: Steam\SteamApps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\BattlEye.*If you just getting the error code: Failed to open privacy text => jump to the end of this guide! You also could find a fixing Guide of mine here: so I got a never ending loop for reinstalling. Updated Version: 27/01/22At first you should know that the problem with BattlEye you have is caused by a compatibility problem between your Graphics Card driver and BattlEye! (No, I'm not kidding you!) If I had started this thread I had installed the Spetmer 2019 update of the NVIDIA drivers and I was unable to reinstall Battleye.